
Harmonizing Self-Care & A Hectic Work Schedule

Harmonizing self-care and a hectic work schedule

As the years pass by, hustle culture and productivity are taking over our lives. Our jobs now consist of long working hours and even longer working days. While having such overwrought lives, our health takes a back seat; which as time passes by, becomes more astringent and chronic. We have to be more mindful of what we can do, so we can be in better health. Following are a few tips that may help you in availing a balance between your hectic work life and health: 


  • Prioritize Sleep: Try and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to allow your body to recuperate from the day’s stress. As our work gets more hectic, sleep is the first sacrifice we make and is usually superseded by gregarious media scrolling. This usually leads to an unfulfilling, unhealthy sleep cycle. Inadequate sleep leads to lower health.


  • Exercise Consistently: Exercising has great benefits for health, this is a well-kempt fact. While it does sound overwhelming to incorporate exercise into your schedule, remember that you don’t have to encumber yourself. Even just a short 10-minute walk or small workout during your lunch break can boost your energy levels and mitigate stress. A body movement break will make you feel better about yourself, along with its numerous other health benefits. 


  • Soak in some Sunlight: Getting daily sunlight is very essential. It facilitates regulating our sleep cycle (by having a positive effect on melatonin- which helps regulate our slumber). Keep in mind that you do not have to view the sun as it crosses the horizon but you do need to see it when it’s relatively low in the morning and ideally afternoon/evening too for 5 to 10 minutes on clear days and 20 to 30 minutes on overcast days. Do not wear sunglasses during that time. Eyeglasses and contact lenses, however, are okay. 


  • Eat a Healthy Diet: Your food makes your mood. How you feel can be directly proportional to the kinds of food you eat. So make sure you are eating high-protein, high-fibre foods. They keep you energized and help compensate for supplements that you might not be getting. Another essential aspect is to keep yourself hydrated. Imbibing on caffeine can make you dehydrated. To keep your body well-functioning, and to flush out all the toxins, hydration is paramount.  


  • Take a break from your Workstation: Sitting for long hours has been linked to several health conditions like increased blood pressure, and high blood sugar. Taking small breaks from sitting would help you feel better and additionally allows your body a much-needed break from work. Additionally, ensure you take short breaks throughout the day to rest your eyes, stretch your legs, and give your mind a break. Eat your lunch away from the computer. This will give you a break from your screen time as well as allow you to eat mindfully. If you find yourself gazing at screens all day, try practising the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes spent using a screen, try to look away at something that is 20 feet away from you for a total of 20 seconds. 


  • Practice Stress Management Techniques: Stress has a tendency to leave you chronically burned out. One of the ways to stop this is to engage in stress-reducing techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. These are mindfulness activities that bring you back to the present. This helps in increasing our attention span and reducing cognitive fatigue.


  • Set Realistic Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries is consequential in all areas of life. Healthy boundaries ascertain that you are not depleted by taking more on your plate than you can chew. Learn to say no when you need to, and learn to recognise when that need arises. Don’t hesitate in delegating tasks to others when possible. If you are having an exorbitant amount on your plate, let the higher-ups know. Divide your work. To maintain mental wellness, it is essential to set limits and maintain healthy boundaries. It is easy to find yourself working late on a project or agreeing to more projects than you can handle. However, it is important to remember that it is healthy to say “no” if agreeing to it will take a toll on your well-being.


  • Make time for Hobbies and Socializing: Try not to lose out on your interests for the sake of work. Ascertain you have time for the things you relish outside of work to help you relax and recharge. It doesn’t have to be an astronomically immense-time commitment, even 2-3 hours a week would probably make you feel better.


  • Manage your Time efficiently: Scheduling can make your life so much easier. Setting aside even a few minutes to make to-do lists and set deadlines for yourself to help you stay on top of your workload and avoid feeling overwhelmed. It will also help you allocate time for important things like your interests and family. 


  • Personalize your space: Add some indoor green plants to your workspace, this will add a personal touch to your workplace and make it feel like your own. It might help you feel nice and at ease.


The above-mentioned pointers are a few ways to keep your physical and mental health in check. It may sound like an inordinate amount of work to do, but small habits can alter your days and these, if adhered to, can transform your life. Here’s to wishing you the best of health.



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