Home Internship & Training Calendar - Karma Care Internship & Training in Clinical Psychology (60 Hours)

Internship & Training in Clinical Psychology (60 Hours)

Join our internship program on Clinical Psychology which is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of various clinical disorders, ethical considerations and sensitivity required in the field, intersectionality of these disorders.

Other imperative topics such as case history, Queer Affirmative Therapy, and Kink Affirmative therapy will also be included. Our program incorporates practical elements such as role-plays and interactive sessions, enabling you to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Field visits to organisations working in the mental health space will be an added perk. Some of the clinical disorders along with their criteria, symptoms, etiology, prognosis and treatment that would be covered in this program are as follows:

Topics Covered

  1. Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive and persistent feelings of worry, fear, or apprehension. Anxiety disorders can interfere with a person’s daily life, making it difficult for them to perform everyday tasks, maintain relationships, or pursue their goals and interests. Major anxiety disorders we will cover are Panic disorder, Agoraphobia, Specific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, and Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder.
  2. Substance Use & Addiction: Addiction is a state of psychological and/or physical dependence on the use of drugs or other substances, such as alcohol, or on activities or behaviors, such as sex, exercise, and gambling. The participants would be introduced to what it would be like to work with a client such as this, the techniques and approaches that can be used, while placing an emphasis on the neurobiology of addiction and dependence.
  3. Dissociative Disorders: Dissociative Identity Disorder , Depersonalization Disorder will be covered. Symptoms and therapeutic approaches, Role-play exercises to explore the experience of dissociation as well as case studies to cover dissociative disorders and their symptoms and techniques and approaches that can be used in therapeutic settings.
  4. ADHD & its Assessment: Definitions and Diagnostic Criteria, Neurobiological and Psychological Theories of ADHD, Developmental Considerations: ADHD Across the Lifespan, Comorbid Conditions and Differential Diagnosis,Explore effective strategies for managing ADHD in both children and adults. Learn evidence-based techniques such as behavioral interventions, organizational skills training, and cognitive-behavioral approaches.

Note: Internship & Training in Clinical Psychology (60 hours) is available in two batches, Morning Batch 11.00 am to 1.30 pm or Afternoon Batch 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm. 

*For 25 hours (10 days) batch or 45 hours (15 days) Batch, contact us at 9821477730



Jun 19 2024 - Jul 19 2024


Monday - Friday
11:00 am




Karma Care
[email protected]

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