Home Internship & Training Calendar - Karma Care Workshop Series in Psychotherapy (40 hours)

Workshop Series in Psychotherapy (40 hours)

This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of various counselling and therapy modalities, equipping participants with a diverse set of theoretical frameworks and practical techniques. Through interactive case discussions, roleplays, activities, and demonstrations, attendees will acquire essential skills, tools, and methods associated with different therapeutic approaches. 

Topics Covered

  1. Narrative Therapy: Explore the stories people have, and to make sense of them through their experiences & socio-cultural locations. This session will help participants develop a respectful, curious & non-blaming approach to psychotherapy with the help of engaging activities & role-plays.
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): An evidence-based approach focusing on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and behaviors. Participants will learn practical techniques to help clients develop healthier thought processes and coping mechanisms through structured activities and demonstrations.
  3. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT): An action-oriented approach that helps clients identify irrational beliefs and replace them with more rational and adaptive thoughts. This session will involve case discussions and role-plays to demonstrate how to apply REBT techniques effectively.
  4. Psychoanalytical Therapy: Delves into the unconscious mind and explores how past experiences influence present behavior. Participants will gain insights into techniques like free association, dream analysis, and transference through interactive discussions and demonstrations.
  5. Queer Affirmative Therapy: Engage discussion on gender and sexuality, to support LGBTQ+ individuals by affirming their identities and experiences. Participants will explore techniques for creating a safe and inclusive therapeutic environment, addressing issues such as coming out, discrimination, and internalized homophobia.



Aug 03 - 31 2024


Saturday - Sunday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm




Karma Care
[email protected]

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